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Dry Eye & MGD

Living in Tooele at 5,000ft elevation and in the West desert of Utah many suffer from dry eyes.

Many of us feel scratchy, gritty or burning on our eyes; vision also seems to fluctuate and there is redness. It often limits how long we can wear our contact lenses. We should NOT normally feel our eyes, if you do there is inflammation and evaporation of tears. Most people who have dryness actually produce enough tears but the problem is with the quality of the tears; and specifically inadequate oil/lipid.

Inside our eyelids are oil (meibum) producing Meibomian Glands that provide critical lubrication mixing with the aqueous (watery) tears which come from the Lacrimal Gland. This oil causes our tears to stick, to prevent inflammation and create a stable film for clear vision. Nearly 86% of dry eye sympotoms stem from inflamed, blocked, or poorly functioning Meibomian glands!

We can help!

We will perform an in-depth ocular surface and lid evaluation to determine the best treatment for your dry eyes. Maybe it is better lubricating drops, better lid hygiene and cleaning with use of a hypochlorous cleaner, it might involve hot compresses, increasing Omega 3 in your diet along with a green smoothie to lower internal inflammation. We are pleased to now offer the proven treatment of Lipiflow which removes all of the blockages within the glands restoring healthy oil flow.

For more information see:

Re-order our recommended products online:

1. Eye Love has many of the dry eye products we love and even sell in office. I highly encourage you to watch their videos, read their book, and use the products! Click here to purchase.

2. Nordic Naturals is our most popular Omega 3 triglyceride form of fish oil that exceeds international standards for quality and purity. To order online or set up an auto direct ship click here.